Provisional Standing Committee
From City University of Hong Kong Convocation 評議會
The Provisional Standing Committee of the Convocation, with its term of office running from 1 January to 31 December 2007, executed duties as stipulated in the Constitution of the Convocation, and also conducted the election of the first Standing Committee of the Convocation to take office in 2008.
Provisional Standing Committee of the Convocation

- Mr Andrew FAN Ka-fai (BA(Hons) Business Studies 1988)
Vice-Chairman(Internal Affairs):
- Mr Patrick LEE Chung-wah (BSc(Hons) Information Technology 1991)
- Mr Will MA Wai-kit (BA(Hons) Business Studies 1990)
Vice-Chairman(External Affairs):
- Mr Weeky WONG Sau-lik (MBA (Executive) 2002)
Vice-Chairman(University Development):
- Dr Bryan WONG Siu-fai (PhD Biology & Chemistry 2002; MPhil Biology & Chemistry 1999; BSc Applied Biology 1995)
- Mr Gyver LAU Kwok-leung (Outreach MBA 2001; PGD Corporate Administration 1996; BSc(Hons) Applied Physics 1993)
- Mr Jason CHAN Lap-yan (BA(Hons) English for Professional Communication 1996)
- Mr Brave CHAN Yung (Bachelor of Social Work with Honours 1994)
- Ms Clara CHAU Ka-yu (HD Public & Social Administration 1993)
- Mr Carlos CHEUNG Yan (MSc Finance 2002; BA(Hons) Business Studies 1989)
- Mr Danny FOK Ka-lok (BA(Hons) Business Studies 1996)
- Mr David HUI Yip-wing (LLM (Chinese & Comparative Law) 2001)
- Mr Steven KWAN Man-wai (Postgraduate Certificate in Laws 1992; Bachelor of Laws 1991)
- Mr Paul LO Kai-sing (MBA (Executive) 2001)
- Mr Danny LUK Chau-ming (HD Electronic Engineering 1992)
- Dr Wallace MA Chi-kit (PhD Electronic Engineering 1994; BEng(Hons) Electronic Engineering 1990)
- Ms Sandy WONG Hang-yee (Bachelor of Laws 1994)
- Mr Savio WONG Ka-shing (BSc(Hons) Information Technology 1990)