From: Convocation of City University of Hong Kong

To: Members of the Convocation


Annual General Meeting (AGM) of CityU Convocation to be Held on 17 December 2010

Further to the AGM Notice issued to you on 17 November 2010, I would like to send you the agenda for the upcoming AGM to be held at 7:30 pm on 17 December 2010 at the Wei Hing Theatre, 6/F, Amenities Building, City University of Hong Kong:-


1.   To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 26 November 2009  

2.  Chairman’s presentation of “Report for AGM” on behalf of the Second Standing Committee  

3.   Items for discussion – Second Standing Committee's collection of members' views on the Convocation year plan 2011

Members are earnestly invited to register online in advance for the AGM at to facilitate arrangements. Convocation members who have registered online will be served at the priority counter on the event day.

Details of AGM are availiable at If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Convocation Secretariat at 3442 6463 or email to

Thank you for your attention.  

Pheony Tsang
Secretary of the Convocation
City University of Hong Kong

10 December 2010