The Convocation of City University of Hong Kong
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Greeting message from Convocation Chairman
3 January 2014

May I take this opportunity to wish all CityU community members good health, happiness and prosperity in the year of 2014!

On behalf of my members of the Fourth Standing Committee, I would pledge that the Convocation will continue to work towards strengthening alumni relationship, and we are ready to dedicate our unreserved devotion to unite our fellow alumni community to support University development.

I truly appreciate your partnership with and continuous support to us in the years ahead. We look forward to meeting you in our upcoming Convocation activities.

Best regards,

Clovis Lau
Convocation Chairman
On behalf of the Fourth Standing Committee of the CityU Convocation
January 2014

祝各位在新的一年,百尺竿頭, 更進一步!




Membership of Fourth Standing Committee of the CityU Convocation (2014 – 2015)



Mr LAU Koong Yep, Clovis 劉冠業
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Quantitative Analysis for Business (1999)


Mr CHENG Cheuk Him, Cedric 鄭卓謙
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (2011)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2010)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Finance (2006)


Mr KHOO Wun Fat, William 丘煥法
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (2007)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2006)


Mr LUI Chi Wang, Robert Andrew 呂志宏
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Finance (2000)


Mr TSOI Wing Leung, Joseph 蔡永亮
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies (1994)

(Immediate Past Chairman)
Miss CHAN Ka Man, Karmen 陳嘉雯
Higher Diploma in Translation and Interpretation (1997)

Other Members

Mr HO Kai Pong, Gabriel 何啟邦
Master of Social Sciences in Social Work (2011)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Work (2009)


Mr HUI Siu Kee, Aaron 許紹基
Master of Arts in Chinese (2010)
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in East Asian Studies (2002)


Mr KONG Cho On, James 江祖安
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering (2002)


Miss KONG Ting Kwan, Vera 江亭君
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Digital Media Broadcasting (2013)


Mr LEE Yiu Fai, Bruce 李耀輝
Master of Business Administration (2011)
Master of Science in Information Systems Management (2010)


Miss LEUNG Ka Yan, Flora 梁家欣
Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (2012)
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (2011)


Mr LI On Yin, Billy 李安然
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science (2010)


Ms POON Wai Hong, Connie 潘慧康
Higher Diploma in Public Administration & Management (1997)


Mr WONG Chi Yeung, Douglas 黃志揚
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Management Science (2008)



Miss YEUNG Wing Ki, Ywing 楊詠琪
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English for Professional Communication (2010)