The Convocation of City University of Hong Kong

Convo Blogger

「信 願 行」 2012-07-01

大家可能有時會營營役役忙於工作、家庭、學業等事務,而忘記了有什麼事情想做,有什麼真正的目標。我記得在工商管理學科裡有一個概念叫做「目標管理」(Management By Objective, MBO),管理「人」其實是需要為自己或他人定好目標,有了清晰的路線圖之後,才會有方向及動力一步一步向目標邁進。


「信 願 行」其實是佛教的理論,我不是佛弟子,亦不是傳教,只想借當中的道理來分享我對實踐目標的看法。「信」可以理解作信念,究竟在你心目中有哪些是堅定不移的想法、價值觀和態度呢?一些出生於普通家庭的人,他們的信念可能是改善生活、努力工作、待人以誠 。每個人其實都有屬於自己的信念,只不過,有些人可能未有認真地去了解而已。看過很多的評論說時下年青人(80後、90後)做事沒下決心、短視及被動。其實我並不認同這種看法,我認為每一個年代都有能幹及有毅力的年青人,而年輕人可先尋找一下屬於你自己的信念!




Convocation SC Stories - May 2011 2011-05-01
A former corporate trainer and now a lecturer at an education institution, Louis is delighted that he can put what he learnt at CityU into practice. A strong believer in giving back, he aspires to instil a positive impact on alumni and students.

Through Convocation activities, Louis hopes to engage fellow alumni to reconnect with the University and bring new insights to the alma mater.

His belief in devising fun-filled activities to achieve far-reaching impact is rooted from his experience when he served as the Sports Secretary of the Students’ Union. He organised some of the most remarkable sports activities that are still reminisced by Citians. For example, the Round City Run around the campus involving students and staff was a meaningful event that boosted the community spirit of CityU members.

Serving the Convocation is a rewarding experience for Louis that gives him the chance to collaborate with a cross section of alumni volunteers and learn more about University education.

Kwok Chun Ming, Louis
BBA (Hons) Business Economics (1999)
MA in Global Business Management (2010)

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