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University Announcement: Clarification on inaccurate media reports 有關學術樓(三)傳媒報導之澄清
29 February 2012


The University would like to take this opportunity to clarify some recent inaccurate media reports about our Academic 3 capital project.


The total construction cost of Academic 3 is estimated to be $1,008 million. An invitation to tender for the construction of the superstructure of Academic 3 was sent out by the University in July 2010, as a result of which a good number of bids was received from qualified contractors. The contract amounting to $699 million was subsequently awarded by the University’s Main Tender Board in November 2010 in accordance with the established tender and procurement procedures of the University and of the UGC.


The Main Tender Board is chaired by the Treasurer of the Council and its members include representatives of the University and the Council. Former Council Chairman Mr Leung Chun-ying and Mr Chan Ka-kui, whom the Government appointed as CityU’s Council Member in May 2009 at the recommendation of the former Council Chairman, were not members of the Board.


Mr Chan is now Chairman of the Campus Development Project Steering Group, and a member of the Campus Development Committee, Campus Master Plan Development Sub-Committee, Audit Committee, and Strategic Development Committee. The Campus Development Committee is responsible for campus development as a whole, while the Campus Master Plan Development Sub-Committee is responsible for the design and planning. The major duty of the Campus Development Project Steering Group is to ensure the efficient implementation of the University’s approved capital projects.


Mr Chan has extensive industry experience in construction and building. His appointment has significantly strengthened the University’s expertise in capital project development, and his experience has been invaluable in monitoring the timely completion of various large-scale construction projects in preparation for the new 334 academic structure.


While Mr Leung is the former Chairman of the Council and the Strategic Development Committee, and Mr Chan is a member of both, the Council and the Strategic Development Committee were not involved in the tender exercise of the superstructure of Academic 3.


The Campus Development Project Steering Group had offered opinions on the tender exercise for the Academic 3 construction project. Mr Chan declared his interest and did not participate in the discussion and voting processes involved in this tender exercise. Mr Chan resigned from his position as Non-executive Director of Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd on 18 September 2010. Since then he has held no position in Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd., but he continued to declare his interest and he did not participate in discussions at Steering Group meetings about the Academic 3 construction project. The construction contract of Academic 3 was eventually awarded to the contractor with the lowest bid by the Main Tender Board in November 2010.


CityU’s construction projects abide by the prescribed tender and procurement procedures established by the UGC and the University. Council members of the University are required to declare conflicts of interest, if any, to the relevant Board or Committee and to abstain from the decision-making and voting processes. As of today, there has been no change to the approved budget of constructing the superstructure of CityU’s Academic 3 project, which remains at $699 million.



Communications and Public Relations Office







城大學術樓(三)預計工程總開支為10 億800萬元,其中學術樓(三)的上蓋工程於2010年7月招標,獲多間合資格承建商入標申請。城大於2010年11月按城大及教資會的既定招標及採購程序,由招標委員會批出6.99億元的工程合約。招標委員會由城大校董會司庫擔 任主席,成員包括大學及校董會成員,梁振英先生和陳家駒先生均不是招標委員會的成員。


陳先生由城大校董會前主席梁振英先生推薦加入校董會,並於2009年5月獲政府委任城大校董,現為校園發展計劃督導小組主席,校園發展委員 會、校園規劃小組委員會、審計委員會及策略發展委員會成員。校園發展委員會負責整體發展,而校園規劃小組委員會負責藍圖規劃,至 於校園發展計劃督導小組的主要職責是監督已獲批准項目的執行情況。陳先生在工程及建設領域經驗豐富,因而獲委任加入這些委員會協 助校方推行多項大型基建工程,為3-3-4新學制作 準備,貢獻良多。


梁先生雖然是校董會及策略發展委員會前主席,而陳先生是兩會的成員,但兩會均沒有參與學術樓(三)上蓋工程的招 標工作。


校園發展計劃督導小組曾就學術樓(三)招標事宜提供意見,在相關會議上,陳先生已向小組申報利益,並且沒有參與 相關討論和投票。此外,陳先生在2010年9月18日辭去新昌營造集團有限公司非執行董事一職,自此在新昌營造集團有限 公司內再沒有任何職務,雖然如此,他仍在相關的項目及會議上申報利益,而學術樓(三)的工程合約是於同年11月由招標委員會批予標價最低的承建商。


城大的工程及建設項目均按教資會及城大的既定招標和採購程序審批,如校董與有關工程存在利益或角色衝突,須向相 關委員會申報,及避免參與項目的審批和投票決策。直到今天,城大學術樓(三)的上蓋工程預算仍然是6.99億元,並沒有改變。



